
Life Insurance

Having the right insurance cover gives you peace of mind as it provides financial support in case of contingencies.

Life insurance is a replacement for your income. It Is important that the breadwinner covers the risks to his life and income, so that his family's quality of life is not compromised after he is gone.

Calculating life insurance needs is not a simple exercise but you must evaluate your cover on periodic basis and take corrective action. Remember that each of us has our own lifestyle, goals, aspirations and dependents which may be completely different from the life situation for your friend or colleague. So what works for someone else may not work for you.

Ideally, insurance must be taken to cover the working period in one's life. You take insurance to protect your dependents from the loss of your income; using the same logic, you take insurance for the time that the dependents are being supported by your income. Hence, it is advisable to take insurance till one's retirement. However, when insurance is taken for protecting and saving towards specific goals, then the tenure of the plan should match the years left for meeting the goal.

Health Insurance

Each of us is exposed to various health hazards and a medical emergency can strike anyone of us without any prior warning. Healthcare is increasingly expensive, with technological advances, new procedures and more effective medicines that have also driven up the costs of healthcare. While these high treatment expenses may be beyond the reach of many, taking the security of health insurance is much more affordable.

It can be a bit of a challenge today to find the right insurance plan for yourself and your family because of the diverse options available. However, when you are choosing a good health insurance plan, do not simply base your decision on the cost of the monthly premium.

Understand what your needs and your family’s needs are when you are deciding on what health insurance to get. Should the health insurance plan cover just you or should it cover you and your spouse? Should it cover you and one child or do you need a health insurance plan that will cover your entire family?

The next step is to find out the health needs of everyone whom you want to include in your health insurance plan. This step can be quite complicated. Are you and the others in good health overall? Does anyone have any pre-existing conditions? Would you at any time feel the need to approach certain medical specialists or institutions? Once you answer these questions, you will be ready to start choosing a good health insurance plan.

General Insurance

The tangible assets are susceptible to damages and a need to protect the economic value of the assets is needed. For this purpose, general insurance products are bought as they provide protection against unforeseeable contingencies like damage and loss of the asset. Like life insurance, general insurance products come at a price in the form of premium.

Choosing the right general insurance policy where you will invest your money on can be very tiring and stressful with all the amazing options that are available in the market. Fortunately, there is one thing that you may do in order to make your search easier and more productive.

Motor Insurance

  • Protection from a financial loss arising out of loss or damage to your vehicle.
  • Protection from liability towards third parties for personal injury.
  • Protection death and property damage on account of any accident involving your vehicle.
  • Cash Less and Hassle free Claim procedure.

Personal Accident

An accident can happen at any time. And it could leave you with permanent harm or temporary disability, both of which could affect your life and your family.

Apart from cover for life and injury, insurance offers other unique and unmatched features

  • Weekly benefit
  • Medical Reimbursement
  • Education Benefit
  • Modification of residential accommodation and own vehicle
  • Ambulance hiring charges

Shop Insurance

As a shop owner, you constantly worry about the hazards your shop and the contents within are exposed to. A sudden crisis at your place - a theft, an employees infidelity, a fire accident, breakage of neon & Glow sign, Money in transit, counter or safe. That is why you need a protective cover like the one Shop Package Insurance offers. Taking care of your business is our business. And we do it well.

Fire and Special Perils

Fire insurance policy is suitable for the owner of property, one who holds property in trust or in commission; individuals/financial institutions who have financial interest in the property. All immovable and movable property located at a particular premises such as buildings, plant and machinery, furniture, fixtures, fittings and other contents, stocks and stock in process along with goods held in trust or in commission including stocks at suppliers/ customers premises, machinery temporarily removed from the premises for repairs can be insured.