Fixed Deposits

For starters, a fixed deposit is not a normal deposit that you do at your bank and then withdraw it as and when you please. But, it is a deposit that cannot be withdrawn in the specified period. Generally, these types of deposits are made for a maximum duration of 5 years. During this time, the amount remains in your bank account and is prohibited to be withdrawn for any reason whatsoever. Non-profit organizations, corporate entities and individuals alike, who wish to keep aside a stipulated sum for a particular period of time, most often than not, find that such deposits are the easiest way in attaining their objective. The icing on the cake is their money will earn a rate of interest that is shielded by any fluctuations in the interest rates that governs other type of investments. Such deposits are a good (if not the best) way to gain a return on investment which is a tad higher than a conventional savings account.

Searing Bulls Financial Services offers diligently selected “Corporate Fixed Deposits” as a product to its Associates and their clients. All selected companies have high credit ratings, experienced management, good track record and robust servicing model. All these parameters are most important factors & are derived from the ‘due diligence’ and selection process.